The Edge



I’m standing at the edge again,
Looking down and waiting,
For the slightest blast of wind
To sway me, convince me
Coax me over the jagged cliff,
Down to the waters below,
To meet the smoothened stones,
Crashing waves, my longing gaze,
And the sun is yet to be swallowed.

The cold stone is slippery,
Threatening to pull me down
Before my mind has been made up
It knows the turmoil within
The deepest crevice of my soul
It knows the strange calm
Quivering at the tip of my lips
Waiting for the wisp of a command
To either take the leap of courage
Or to turn away from my so-called fate.

The word lingers at the edge
Of consciousness, unfelt, unheard
Twisted by reason to mean nothing
But the feelings remain raw, untouched
The substance of dreams cannot be changed
Memories can be mutated in the mind
But the essence of each drop shall remain
All the while, the echoes shall lie
Forgotten in the deep dwelling of the soul
The soul that never existed.

The command has been whispered
I remain standing, unable to comprehend
Where life has brought me
Where I am to drift, as I have been drifting
Almost unconsciously, yet fully aware
I’ve been going as the wind takes me
How much further must I go?
The road is long and weary,
Twisting and turning,
The cliff is inviting,
One single slip
And it’s over
I’m falling


35 thoughts on “The Edge”

  1. Again my visit here is worth diamonds! Bravo S.! We all stand on the edge many times wondering if we’re alive, and even if we fall we can always learn from the flight … The shape is very creative! Love it!

  2. Love the whole concept, dp, and almost felt the tug and pull as we both jumped. Wow… We all seem to have that ‘edge’ which pulls at us, do we fall and crash down, or do we fly and savour a new start… the choice is ours to make, and we listen hard to the inner voice.

  3. and splash!!
    What a beautiful wordplay expressing what goes on in mind when we are left to decide about that one critical point.. The shape at the end almost brought me to think where was I hitting- the stones or the water..

    Very well written!
    hugs xoxox

  4. Hi, Sonam. I’m not sure if that’s the meaning you want to convey but this poem made me think about someone on the verge of falling in love again after having been betrayed in the past. Very moving 🙂

  5. I love what you did with the structure. The third stanza particularly strikes me, especially these lines:

    The substance of dreams cannot be changed
    Memories can be mutated in the mind
    But the essence of each drop shall remain

    Great read!

  6. dear dp,

    do you know how good it is to read this? i felt that too, over that jagged cliff, ready to be caught there unsafe in the pendulum of insanity. a leap to the undiscovered and unchartered can be a liberating experience. and this is what i grasp from the wisdom of your poem. you had such acuity of thought here my friend, the one that shining like a beacon. great poem indeed.

  7. Wow… I honestly think you are back, girl! To writing, I mean.. that is, if you ever think you had gone away from it at all.. 🙂

    But yes, I do indeed share the sentiments in this poem.. there are times when that one single slip into the abyss seems like the easiest and most fruitful thing to do… where nothing really matters, and everything remains to be learnt afresh… don’t you think? *sigh* It’s a mixed feeling..

    What a beautiful poem, Sonam… BRAVO!!!

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